I am a mandolin player from Freiburg, Germany.
I have played in different mandolin orchestras, including the Badisches Zupforchester and the German Zupforchester. I have conducted three mandolin orchestras. For more than 20 years I am playing the mandolin in a bluegrass band named Blackberry Jam.
I have started my website mandoisland.de many years ago, where I am collecting interesting information about the mandolin and its music, including classical mandolin, music for mandolin orchestras, folk, bluegrass, brazilian choro, music from Venezuela or Puerto Rico and much more. On my homepage you can also find free sheetmusic and mandolin methods for download and liks to other sites with free sheet music for tha mandolin and guitar.
I do also compose music for the mandolin and guitar and I have published several books for the mandolin.
In this blog I am collecting links, interesting videos and information about music for plucked instruments, lutherie, bluegrass and music in general.
You will find more information about me at www.mandoisland.de
You can find my own videos with mandolin, guitar, ukulele and waldzither in my youtube channel Mandoisland
You can also visit my new website www.mandoweb.de which is better suited for smartphone and tablet
ich bin auf der Suche nach der Homepage von Jarmo Romppanen auf deine Seite gelangt.
Ich bin über Youtube auf die Musik von Jarmo Romppanen gestossen, und würde gerne die CD Nordic Mandolin kaufen, weiß aber nicht
wo sie erhältlich ist. Jarmos Homepage schein es nicht mehr zu geben.
Ich spiele selbst Mandoline und seit neuestem auch Oktavmandoline .
Vielleicht kannst Du mir Infos dazu geben, ich würde mich über eine Nachricht freuen.
Liebe Grüße