Xograr – a Galician word for “Play” – ist the name of the new album by Galician musician and composer Fernando Barroso. For this album Fernand Barroso has formed his new band with mandolin, cello, double bass and drums.
Fernando Barroso: Mandolin
Margarida Mariño: Cello
Sofia Neide: Doublebass
Álvaro Trillo: Drums
The title track Xograr is already available at youtube – showing Fernando Barroso playing the oud as well as the mandolin.
Fernando Barroso has created his unique fusion style, based on Galician folk, the classical sound of violoncello and double bass, and his powerful and always present mandolin.
Until now the mandolin has not been used much in this kind of music, Fernando Barroso has opened a new style of music to the mandolin.
Screenshot from Xograr video
Xograr – Title track
Xograr – Life performance
Playlist Singles from the new album
The new album has been published on March 6, 2020.