Roda de Choro de Lisboa

Edu Miranda has uploaded three new videos to youtube. This time he plays the bandolim in the Roda de Choro de Lisboa. The videos have been taken from a recent TV show.

I like the version of Brejeiro by Ernesto Nazareth very much. It is not played too fast, but with a lot of rhythm and energy. And Edu Miranda makes clear that he can really play – his bandolim solos are very well played.

Roda de Choro de Lisboa – Brejeiro (Ernesto Nazareth) e Malhão de Águeda

I do also like the two other videos of the Roda de Choro de Lisboa, which is composed of 3 musicians from Portugal, on French and one Brazilian player. The accordeon in the group is not very typical for choro music, but it fits in very well and makes a good contrast to the clarinet.

Roda de Choro de Lisboa – Carioquinha (Waldir Azevedo)

Noites Cariocas by Jacob do Bandolim is played by a quartett with 7-stringed guitar (Violao), bandolim, pandeiro and accordeon:

Roda de Choro de Lisboa – Noites Cariocas (Jacob do Bandolim)

Roda de Choro de Lisboa – For­mação de 2010 em quar­teto:

Carlos Lopes, Acor­deão ;

Nuno Gamboa, Vi­olão 7 cordas ;

Ale­xandre Santos, pan­deiro ;

Edu Mi­randa, ban­dolim

The following video is a presentation of the Roda de Choro de Lisboa. It is interesting to see that the group does also play for dancing. Unfortunately I do not understand much of the Portuguese text:

Roda de Choro de Lisboa no Lusitano Clube, passou na rtp2 em 1-10-2009


There are many other videos of the Roda de Choro de Lisboa from former years with another player of the bandolim. You can find the videos easy from the myspace site of the group.

Playlist Roda de Choro de Lisboa


Blog of the Roda de Choro de Lisboa:

Myspace page of the Roda de Choro de Lisboa:



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