I have just discovereda new video with the Rhapsodia Napoletana by Raffaele Calace. Yasunobu Inoue plays this Rahpsodia on a mandolin built by Calace in 1926.
Calace used several famous Neapolitan songs in this Rhapsodia – you will definitively recognize some of the songs.
Yasunobu Inoue was born in 1975. He has successfully taken part in several mandolin competitions and is very active in the Japanese mandolin scene. He has conducted the ArsNova mandolin orchestra and is the current director of the Arte Mandolinistica mandolin orchestra that organizes a competition for new compositions for mandolin orchestra every two years.
Calace:Rhapsodia Napoletana(1)
Mandolin:Yasunobu Inoue Japan
Instrument : Raffaele Calace 1926 type Classico A
Calace:Rhapsodia Napoletana(2)
More information about Yasunobu Inoue:
Homepage of Yasunobu Inoue: http://www.inouemandolin.com/
Youtube channel of Yasunobu Inoue: http://www.youtube.com/user/mandolinoue
Profil of Yasunobu Inoue (google translation): http://translate.google.de/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=de&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=ja&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.inouemandolin.com%2Fprofile.htm